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ARONIA melanocarpa 'Low Scape Snowfire' - 6'x4'; White flowers in spring, blue-black fruit, red fall color; IMPROVED NATIVE

CORNUS (SWIDA) sericea 'Arctic Fire Yellow' - 5-6'; Bright yellow stems in winter, solid green leaves in summer; IMPROVED NATIVE

COTINUS coggygria var. purpurea - 10-15'; Leaves emerge red and fade to green. Pink fluffy flowers in early summer. Leaves red in fall

DIERVILLA splendens 'Firefly' - 2-3'; Mix of yellow and orange leaves, small yellow flowers all summer

FORSYTHIA 'Spring Fling' - 6'x6'; Uniform, controlled growth requires less maintenance; same bright yellow flowers

HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Summerific Candy Crush' - 4-5'; Pink flowers with dark pink center are 8" wide in late summer; IMPROVED NATIVE

HYDRANGEA arborescens 'FlowerFull' - 4'x4'; Large blooms on sturdy stems with up to three times more flowers than other cultivars

HYDRANGEA x 'Let's Dance Sky View' - 2-3'; Light green buds open to a rainbow of pastel blues and pinks; cold-hardy buds



METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides 'Soul Fire' - 18'x15'; Needles turn from green in spring to yellow in summer to orange in fall

QUERCUS montana - 60'; Chestnut-like leaves are dark green on top, lighter on bottom. Tolerates poor soils. NATIVE



JUNIPERUS virginiana 'Brodie' - 20'x8'; Feathery green growth forms a narrow teardrop shape; IMPROVED NATIVE

PICEA abies 'Blaze' - 10'x8'; Bright red new growth fades to green; Broadly pyramidal, compact habit

PICEA abies 'Procumbens' - 18"x10'; Forms a dense blanket of spruce boughs which cover the ground

PICEA glauca 'Little Dipper' - 10'x6'; Like Dwarf Alberta with coarser branches, but still dense. IMPROVED NATIVE

PICEA pungens 'Hugo's Weeping' - 10'x6'; Gray-green needles; Squiggly leader grows up while side branches weep down

RHODODENDRON 'Daphnoides' - 4'x6'; Small, downwardly cupped, glossy leaves; Lavender-pink blossoms are small and abundant

RHODODENDRON 'Holden's Pink Flare' - 4-6'; Pink flowers with red splotch fade to white; superior disease resistance

RHODODENDRON 'Kabarett' - 6'x6'; Frilly, lavender blooms have a bold, maroon splotch in the center

TAXUS media densiformis 'Angelica' - 4'x6'; Vigorous, uniform growth maintains a deep green color in winter - bears no fruit

TAXUS media 'HM Eddie' - 12'x3'; Dense, upright growth stays columnar with little maintenance; no fruit



PEAR 'Juicy Jewel' - 15'x10'; Crisp, juicy, rounded yellow-green fruit with an orange cheek ripens early



ACHILLEA 'Firefly Peach Sky' - 2-3'; Flowers emerge orange, quickly fading to peach and finally finishing up yellow

ALCEA 'Las Vegas' - 6'; Mixed colors of yellow, pink, red, burgundy and white light up the garden like Vegas neon

ANEMONE virginiana - 3'; Small white flowers in early summer, cottony seed heads in fall/winter. NATIVE

AQUILEGIA 'Early Bird Purple & White' - 10";Bi-colored flowers are purple on the outside and white on the inside; compact habit

ASARUM arifolium - 6"; Arrow-shaped leaves are green with silver splotches. Evergreen groundcover

BAPTISIA alba - 5'; Shrub-sized perennial bears airy white spikes of flowers in early summer then black seed pods

BAPTISIA 'Burgundy Blast' - 3.5'; Purple-red flowers have a yellow highlight. Heavy bloomer

CLEMATIS 'Daniel Deronda' - 10'; Large purple flowers with lighter stripes along the mid-rib and cream-colored stamens

CLEMATIS 'Jie' - 4'; Bright red flowers have white stamens; compact habit with potential for a fall re-bloom

CLEMATIS 'Nubia' - 4'; Large dark red flowers have purple stamens. Vigorous and dense with a long bloom time

COREOPSIS 'Heartstrings' - 20"; Rosy red flowers have white-frosted tips. Thread-leaf foliage is mildew resistant

DIANTHUS 'Milk Cherry' - 10"; Double-petaled flowers emerge white, age to pink and finish up red

DIANTHUS 'Potpourri' - 10"; Mix of pink, rose, and coral flowers all and the same pot, and sometimes all on the same flower

DICENTRA 'Amore Titanium' - 12"; Pure white heart-shaped flowers are suspended above delicately dissected blue-green foliage

ECHINACEA 'Kismet Pink Lemonade' - 18"; Uniquely bi-colored flowers have pink petals with lemon-yellow tips

ECHINACEA 'Sombrero Poco White' - 18"; White petals surround a gold to bronze cone; Sturdy, compact habit, blooms early

ECHINACEA 'Sombrero Sangrita' - 24"; Flowers emerge deep red and lighten to various shades of orange as they mature

FERN Diplazium pycnocarpon (Glade) - 3'; Large arching clumps in moist soil and deep shade. NATIVE

HEMEROCALLIS 'Marque Moon' - 24"; White flowers have ruffled margins edged in gold; yellow throats and sparkly petals

HEUCHERA 'Cherry Truffles' - 12"; Curly red leaves add color and texture to the garden year-round; pale pink flowers

HEUCHERA 'Wildberry' - 18"; Large purple leaves are rippled and glossy; small white flowers in summer

HEUCHERELLA 'Eye Spy' - 12";Flowers are pink, foliage is chartreuse with maroon splotch in the center

HOSTA 'Hudson Bay' - 3'x6'; leaves blue-green on the outside; cream-colored splotch in center surrounded by green

HOSTA 'Love Story' - 18"x3'; Medium green leaves; undulate margins; tri-colored splotching in the center

IRIS (LIMNIRIS) ensata 'Eden's Harmony' - 3'; Light purple flowers have dark purple veining with a central yellow splotch

IRIS germanica 'Mission Ridge' - 38"; Standards white, falls white in center surrounded by light purple, yellow beard

LEUCANTHEMUM superbum 'Spun Silk' - 24"; Narrow petals with fringed edges add unique texture to this Shasta daisy

LUPINUS 'Towering Inferno' - 3'; Large pyramidal spikes of flowers emerge pink, aging to orange with yellow highlights

MONARDA 'Pink Frosting' - 24"; Pastel pink flowers; compact and dense; mildew resistant

PAEONIA 'Lollipop' ITOH - 3'; Yellow/peach semi-double flowers are streaked with red/pink. Fragrant

PANICUM virgatum 'Warrior' - 5'; Blue-green leaves become streaked in red as summer progresses; Red seeds in fall IMPROVED NATIVE

PHLOX paniculata 'Sunset Coral' - 30"; Coral flowers have an orange tinge; leaves are mildew-resistant

RUDBECKIA laciniata - 6'x3'; Cutleaf foliage, yellow flowers on tall stems emerge all summer long; NATIVE

SEDUM 'Blue Elf' - 3"x15"; Carpet of steely-blue leaves has pink flowers in late summer until frost

TIARELLA 'Angel Wings' - 12-18"; Green leaves with burgundy centers are deeply dissected. Pink buds open to white flowers

TRADESCANTIA 'Concord Grape' - 18"x24"; Violet-purple flowers arranged in clusters atop blue-green strap-like foliage in summer
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